Monday, January 17, 2011

The Summer of Work!!!!!

OK, so when we were kids on the first day of school usually the teacher asked you to write a paper of what you did during the summer. So what did we do???? We worked, it was like a scene from Snow White. With the dwarfs coming out of the mine, well I don't think we ever left it from May to Sept. Yes I am very grateful of the opportunity that we had to work, but our poor boat only got 2 trips out on the lake this summer.

Just a little about Easter 2010

We had another busy year of 2010. I missed the most part of the beginning of the year by losing all of our amazing Easter photos. I have no idea were my camera card went so there are no pic's. Maybe I can steal some from a family member. But for now we had a great day at the Rutledge Grandparents with all the cousins. The kids did a huge Easter egg hut as usual and we of coarse had tons of food and candy. This year each family was in charge of some kind of activity. We were in charge of the gunny sack races. But we had everything from eggs being carried on a spoon, throwing bean bags, ect. We did come home with a fish in a glass jar thanks!!!!

Wow it's been along time.

I really can't believe it's been since March since my last blog. Well I guess I really need to catch up on my blogging. So I have decided to start from March and go forward that way ya all know what happened in 2010. Here we go!!!