Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day with Sick Kids

It was a sad Valentine's day. All the girls are sick with that cold/flu. Olivia and Sonoma stayed home from school on Friday. Kate decided to go so she could go to a birthday party afterwards. So she took and picked up Olivia's Valentines. By the afternoon Bob started getting sick also and by 4:00 he was in bed sweating. Yuck!!!! He did get me a very cute card (Bob kind of cute) and a cute shirt. I got him 3 cards, I love Hoops and YoYo and so everytime I saw one I bought it. Yes I am ill and I enjoyed the cards so much more then he did. They make me laugh so hard that I almost pee my pants. I also got him a 1/2 a box of See's Candies his favorite. I had a great self date and watched Nick and Nora's Playlist on DVD all by myself (bob was asleep next to me).

I hope that everyone gets better soon, I am really tired of disinfecting my house and I have done about 12 loads of laundy in 2 days.

1 comment:

gma vh said...

Remember your first Valentines Day? I do-42 years ago. We had been married 2 weeks. We were living in the converted garage in Orem. Your Dad snuck out during the night & got the card & something else (I can't remember if it was flowers or candy) & it was freezing cold & our car was out in it, & he got totally sick 2 days later with a terrible cold. He hasn't done that since then.... MOM