Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Picture that didn't make the cut

This is the picture that was the best one that was taken, but it didn't make the cut. Reason being is that cowboys legs were cut off. Every time that I see this picture it makes me laugh. What a great afternoon of laughing and joking around. I am in love with our horse cowboy, he just puts up with anything and doesn't really make to much of a fuss. He always is very aware. When my Dad and I were out of a ride the other day he was starting to get annoyed because we weren't going home and it was getting dark. It is funny how he is aware of what is going on. I am thankful for my girls and how great they are. I love each and everyone of there personalities. I am quite thankful for the family that I have.
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Scott said...

I love the picture we got in the mail! Thank you so much!

John said...

He's a good horse, and even though Breanna got kicked off when we visited, she still talks about him.